
What can I visit in Lebanon?

1. Baalbek - This ancient Phoenician city is home to some of the best preserved Roman ruins in the world, including the Temple of Jupiter, the Temple of Bacchus, and the Great Court.

2. Byblos - This ancient city is the oldest continuously inhabited city in the world and is home to many archaeological sites, including the Crusader Castle.

3. Jeita Grotto - This stunning underground cave system is one of the most popular tourist attractions in Lebanon, and features two chambers filled with spectacular rock formations.

4. Anjar - This former Phoenician city is home to some of the best-preserved ruins of the Umayyad era in the Middle East.

5. The Cedars of Lebanon - This ancient forest is home to some of the oldest trees in the world, and is a popular destination for hiking and skiing.

6. Beirut - The country's capital city is home to a vibrant nightlife, world-class restaurants, and ancient ruins, making it a must-see destination for anyone visiting Lebanon.

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